Since I saw the movie “The Lord of the Rings”
and when I heard that it was filmed on New Zealand I wanted to know more about
this country and its culture; this is how I learned about the Maoris.
The Maoris are the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand,
they originally came from eastern Polynesia and arrived in New Zealand creating
their own language, mythology, crafts and performing arts. In New Zealand there
is about 600.000 Maoris and they form a really important part of the culture of
this country. In fact, in New Zealand there is two official languages the English
and the Maori and their national anthem is written in this two languages.
With respect to Maori culture there is something that I really love,
their traditional dance called Haka. The Haka dance, according to the official
travel website for New Zealand “is a type of ancient Māori war dance
traditionally used on the battlefield, as well as when groups came together in
peace. Haka are a fierce display of a tribe's pride, strength and unity.”
The dance consists of various movements with arms, legs and hands accompanied
by a loud chant. Nowadays, this traditional dance is using to welcome the
visitors or in sport games like a way to challenge the opponent. In the case of
New Zealand (in which the national sport is the rugby) the national selection
and also the currently world champions (the “ALL BLACKS”) do a haka dance in all
their games. It is really exciting see them dancing! Stands your hair on end!
Ka kite anō! or in English, see you later!
I didn't know anything about it! It's so ineresting